Lumea in care traim este inrobita, copiii si animalele sant sacrificate, dar exista o lege sfanta si drastica de care unii nici macar nu stiu ca ar fi bine sa se teama, aceea este legea cauzei si a efectului. Toate fiintele nevinovate se afla sub protectie chiar daca aparent lucrurile stau invers. I pictura mea, lumina galbena, spatiul plin de informatie, liniile care conecteaza totul, te face sper, sa simti ca totul este un tot puternic si invincibil

The world we live in is enslaved, children and animals are sacrificed, but there is a holy and drastic law that some do not even know would be good to fear, that is the law of cause and effect. All innocent beings are under protection even if apparently things are the other way around. And my painting, the yellow light, the space full of information, the lines that connect everything, make you hope, to feel that everything is a strong and invincible whole
