MaPa Art
Refuz sa pierd timpul pictand mizeriile lumii cazute, pentru ca mi-e destul sa le vad cand pasesc afara din casa, nu doresc sa le transmit viitorului, nu doresc sa le dau viata si in universul meu interior. Doresc in schimb prin ceea ce pictez sa intaresc dorinta de triumf a frumosului etern si deja creat, care nu poate fi intinat, prin urmare el este intotdauna reprezentat deasupra in arta mea.
I refuse to waste time painting the misery of the fallen world, because it is enough for me to see them when I step outside the house, I do not want to transmit them to the future, I do not want to give them life in my inner universe. Instead, I want through what I paint to strengthen the desire for triumph of eternal and already created beauty, which cannot be defiled, therefore it is always represented above in my art.
MaPa Art