MaPa Art
Cata frumusete poate exista in si prin iubire, in natura, in expresia pura a animalutelor, neacoperita de vreo masca , si ce prieteni devotati putem gasi in ele daca santem capabili. Iubirea este o forma de energie, care se afla in continua miscare si transformare, si ca sa sustin aceasta idee, am incercat sa sugerez curgerea, transformarea si imbinarea formelor.
How much beauty can exist in and through love, in nature, in the pure expression of animals, not covered by a mask, and what devoted friends we can find in them if we are capable. Love is a form of energy, which is in constant motion and transformation, and to support this idea, I have tried to suggest the flow, transformation and merging of forms.
MaPa Art